Overview of Services:
I offer mentoring and counsel for enhancing conscious relationships, life transformation and somatic awareness. Remote healing and consultations available. Seasonal ceremonies, workshops/classes, and custom designed retreats are also offered.
A container is created in which you may discover the source of your own well being, empowerment and spiritual autonomy. I bring my commitment, presence, humor and expertise in the areas of relationship, spirituality, trauma, sexuality, addiction, and body-mind awareness.
Body-Centered Psychotherapy -
This is a more holistic approach to counseling for those who want to go deeper into self awareness. The approach assists clients in developing sensory acuity and clarifying how certain issues are held in contracted spaces in the body. Individuals, couples and groups have benefited with this non-traditional approach to enhance communication issues in relationships, deepen connection with oneself and others, and fine tune a sense of presence and clarity through small and great challenges and transitions. This provides good results to those who seek to shift recurring unwanted patterns due to various forms of trauma, illness or addiction. Those who want to experience a more sustainable sense of wholeness and well-being, even when traversing the most difficult or confusing times in life, can benefit. I offer this counseling to adolescents, adults, and elders, couples and families.
Integrative Body-Psychotherapy is an experiential mode that views the Self as the source of well being. This work facilitates new ways to transform old wounds and defenses using concrete steps for staying empowered. Awareness of body, breath, and boundaries provides the clarity and insight needed for change.
Shamanic Services -
Shamanism is known cross-culturally for tens of thousands of years. It works directly with the Spiritual, non-ordinary realm, summoning the helping, compassionate spirits that surround us, including the wisdom of the Earth and our natural environment. The methodologies are drawn from ancient traditions from many indigenous cultures. All Shamanic methods are provided, depending on what is most appropriate to the needs of the client. Shamanic support through one's dying and Psychopomp, House Blessings and House Clearings and other types of ceremonies are also offered.
Death, dying and beyond - It is a great privilege to bring compassionate presence and guidance to those facing their death, as well as support for the loved ones through their caregiving, goodbying, and grief. Shamanic practices can offer clarity, healing and support for a myriad of issues, such as illness, chronic misfortune, trauma, unwanted repeating patterns, depression, to name a few. The work supports the client in developing their own spiritual power, to deepen their connection to Self at levels of heart and soul and spirit, difficult to reach through traditional Western counseling. Permission is always required to do Shamanic healing.
It is not up to me. It is up to the Helping Spirits. A preliminary divination journey is offered (free) on your behalf the day before an already scheduled session. This is done only with your permission to determine what would be of most benefit to you when you come in for a shamanic session.
I work with individuals and pets, either in my office or remotely, depending on what practices are of greatest service for the client.
My Shamanic practices include:
~ Power Animal Retrieval
~ Soul Retrieval *
~ Divination
~ Ceremonies - (for life passages, releasing, wedding, celebration of life, birthday, Equinoxes and Solstices, etc.)
~ Shamanic Extraction (removing localized spiritual intrusion)
~ Psychopomp (assistance after death)
~ Home or Office Clearings
~ Remote Healing or Divination
~ Private Shamanic Instruction
~ Weekend workshops
~ One Year Apprenticeship
*Soul Retrieval can be profoundly effective for those who are dealing with a sense of emptiness, recurring unwanted patterns or illness, fragmentation due to loss, grief or trauma. Soul loss is a common occurrence, though not commonly named as such. It means that pieces of our vital essence have left, detached for their own safety, as a result of trauma, loss, abuse, illness addiction.
Recommended website for further information on Shamanism:
Sandra Ingerman http://www.sandraingerman.com
Shamanic Instruction -
The following Shamanic classes are offered in cross-cultural shamanism as researched and taught by Sandra Ingerman for those who wish to deepen their own Shamanic connection and/or provide shamanic services to others.
- Introduction to Shamanism
- Beginning Shamanic Journeying
- Healing with Spiritual Light
- Medicine for the Earth
- Shamanic Extraction
- Soul Retrieval
- Death, Dying and Beyond
~ One Year Apprenticeship
Please see the Events page for information and schedule of classes.
Sacred Pipe Ceremony -
All cultures have sacred ceremonies, rituals to convey prayers through use of fire, smoke, and other elements. In the language of Lakota Sioux, their sacred pipe is called Chanupa. It is called by other names in other cultures. It is used in council, for decree, prayer and revelation in such ceremonies.
To honor the turning seasons and the medicine of the Earth is both common and auspicious. As was taught and passed on to me, we sit together in sacred circle and raise our prayers to Creator.
The medicine of the pipe and Its use are very powerful. With love, respect and gratitude, we use this ceremony to express what is in our hearts. To bear and receive witness is a most humbling and profound experience. We are seen and heard in the circle and Beyond, held in the vulnerability of our expression, even when we are silent.
Witness the radiant Light in our shared humanness as we sit in ceremony. (Please see more details on 'About' page).
Journey Circle -
This is for those who have a range of experience in Shamanic journey work. Every third Sunday of the month from
10:00-Noon, our circle gathers to be of service to each other, our loved ones, and the planet. We practice long distance healing and divination journeys for those who have requested to receive our help. Occasional adjustments to the schedule due to illness or Holidays, etc. may be made. If you wish to join Journey Circle and have not yet received basic Shamanic Journey instruction, contact BJ for private instruction or sign up for her Introduction to Shamanic Journeying class.
Journey Theater -
In a day both restful and energizing, you will view a specially chosen, evocative film summoning what your psyche is ready to reveal to you. The movies are magically framed with guided meditation, music, your inner teacher’s urgings. This combination brings the power of a film to a new level, making of it a lucid dream - the psyche speaks and is heard. The experience is unique among self-explorative ventures. It retains a lightness and pleasure in the day, even as deep work is being done together.
Cord Work -
Most of us at some time in our lives find that we are entangled energetically with another or others. This can manifest in the body through pain, illness, repetitive toxic patterns in relationship, or simply a feeling of stuckness. These cords and entanglements tend to be bound by false beliefs, often carried in the mind as true. False beliefs can be imprinted early in life, and can develop over time, keeping the cords hooked into the system. A false belief plugs into a corresponding chakra (energy center). A process of inner excavation, culminating in the session of cutting the cords has shown to be a radical release of unwanted patterns - A freeing experience in mind, body, heart.
Reiki -
Either directly or at a distance, this energy work may be administered to those seeking increased well-being and healing for emotional, physical, psychological concerns. This ancient healing art was brought to us by 18th century Japanese scholar, Dr. Mikao Usui.
Names -
Your names are welcome to rest on my altar. The names are blessed and smudged each day with copal or sage, with prayers for you and all you pray for. Then they are released in a private fire ceremony at the next Equinox or Solstice.
Let me know via email or voice mail if you'd like to be included. Request only your own name, please.
I offer mentoring and counsel for enhancing conscious relationships, life transformation and somatic awareness. Remote healing and consultations available. Seasonal ceremonies, workshops/classes, and custom designed retreats are also offered.
A container is created in which you may discover the source of your own well being, empowerment and spiritual autonomy. I bring my commitment, presence, humor and expertise in the areas of relationship, spirituality, trauma, sexuality, addiction, and body-mind awareness.
Body-Centered Psychotherapy -
This is a more holistic approach to counseling for those who want to go deeper into self awareness. The approach assists clients in developing sensory acuity and clarifying how certain issues are held in contracted spaces in the body. Individuals, couples and groups have benefited with this non-traditional approach to enhance communication issues in relationships, deepen connection with oneself and others, and fine tune a sense of presence and clarity through small and great challenges and transitions. This provides good results to those who seek to shift recurring unwanted patterns due to various forms of trauma, illness or addiction. Those who want to experience a more sustainable sense of wholeness and well-being, even when traversing the most difficult or confusing times in life, can benefit. I offer this counseling to adolescents, adults, and elders, couples and families.
Integrative Body-Psychotherapy is an experiential mode that views the Self as the source of well being. This work facilitates new ways to transform old wounds and defenses using concrete steps for staying empowered. Awareness of body, breath, and boundaries provides the clarity and insight needed for change.
Shamanic Services -
Shamanism is known cross-culturally for tens of thousands of years. It works directly with the Spiritual, non-ordinary realm, summoning the helping, compassionate spirits that surround us, including the wisdom of the Earth and our natural environment. The methodologies are drawn from ancient traditions from many indigenous cultures. All Shamanic methods are provided, depending on what is most appropriate to the needs of the client. Shamanic support through one's dying and Psychopomp, House Blessings and House Clearings and other types of ceremonies are also offered.
Death, dying and beyond - It is a great privilege to bring compassionate presence and guidance to those facing their death, as well as support for the loved ones through their caregiving, goodbying, and grief. Shamanic practices can offer clarity, healing and support for a myriad of issues, such as illness, chronic misfortune, trauma, unwanted repeating patterns, depression, to name a few. The work supports the client in developing their own spiritual power, to deepen their connection to Self at levels of heart and soul and spirit, difficult to reach through traditional Western counseling. Permission is always required to do Shamanic healing.
It is not up to me. It is up to the Helping Spirits. A preliminary divination journey is offered (free) on your behalf the day before an already scheduled session. This is done only with your permission to determine what would be of most benefit to you when you come in for a shamanic session.
I work with individuals and pets, either in my office or remotely, depending on what practices are of greatest service for the client.
My Shamanic practices include:
~ Power Animal Retrieval
~ Soul Retrieval *
~ Divination
~ Ceremonies - (for life passages, releasing, wedding, celebration of life, birthday, Equinoxes and Solstices, etc.)
~ Shamanic Extraction (removing localized spiritual intrusion)
~ Psychopomp (assistance after death)
~ Home or Office Clearings
~ Remote Healing or Divination
~ Private Shamanic Instruction
~ Weekend workshops
~ One Year Apprenticeship
*Soul Retrieval can be profoundly effective for those who are dealing with a sense of emptiness, recurring unwanted patterns or illness, fragmentation due to loss, grief or trauma. Soul loss is a common occurrence, though not commonly named as such. It means that pieces of our vital essence have left, detached for their own safety, as a result of trauma, loss, abuse, illness addiction.
Recommended website for further information on Shamanism:
Sandra Ingerman http://www.sandraingerman.com
Shamanic Instruction -
The following Shamanic classes are offered in cross-cultural shamanism as researched and taught by Sandra Ingerman for those who wish to deepen their own Shamanic connection and/or provide shamanic services to others.
- Introduction to Shamanism
- Beginning Shamanic Journeying
- Healing with Spiritual Light
- Medicine for the Earth
- Shamanic Extraction
- Soul Retrieval
- Death, Dying and Beyond
~ One Year Apprenticeship
Please see the Events page for information and schedule of classes.
Sacred Pipe Ceremony -
All cultures have sacred ceremonies, rituals to convey prayers through use of fire, smoke, and other elements. In the language of Lakota Sioux, their sacred pipe is called Chanupa. It is called by other names in other cultures. It is used in council, for decree, prayer and revelation in such ceremonies.
To honor the turning seasons and the medicine of the Earth is both common and auspicious. As was taught and passed on to me, we sit together in sacred circle and raise our prayers to Creator.
The medicine of the pipe and Its use are very powerful. With love, respect and gratitude, we use this ceremony to express what is in our hearts. To bear and receive witness is a most humbling and profound experience. We are seen and heard in the circle and Beyond, held in the vulnerability of our expression, even when we are silent.
Witness the radiant Light in our shared humanness as we sit in ceremony. (Please see more details on 'About' page).
Journey Circle -
This is for those who have a range of experience in Shamanic journey work. Every third Sunday of the month from
10:00-Noon, our circle gathers to be of service to each other, our loved ones, and the planet. We practice long distance healing and divination journeys for those who have requested to receive our help. Occasional adjustments to the schedule due to illness or Holidays, etc. may be made. If you wish to join Journey Circle and have not yet received basic Shamanic Journey instruction, contact BJ for private instruction or sign up for her Introduction to Shamanic Journeying class.
Journey Theater -
In a day both restful and energizing, you will view a specially chosen, evocative film summoning what your psyche is ready to reveal to you. The movies are magically framed with guided meditation, music, your inner teacher’s urgings. This combination brings the power of a film to a new level, making of it a lucid dream - the psyche speaks and is heard. The experience is unique among self-explorative ventures. It retains a lightness and pleasure in the day, even as deep work is being done together.
Cord Work -
Most of us at some time in our lives find that we are entangled energetically with another or others. This can manifest in the body through pain, illness, repetitive toxic patterns in relationship, or simply a feeling of stuckness. These cords and entanglements tend to be bound by false beliefs, often carried in the mind as true. False beliefs can be imprinted early in life, and can develop over time, keeping the cords hooked into the system. A false belief plugs into a corresponding chakra (energy center). A process of inner excavation, culminating in the session of cutting the cords has shown to be a radical release of unwanted patterns - A freeing experience in mind, body, heart.
Reiki -
Either directly or at a distance, this energy work may be administered to those seeking increased well-being and healing for emotional, physical, psychological concerns. This ancient healing art was brought to us by 18th century Japanese scholar, Dr. Mikao Usui.
Names -
Your names are welcome to rest on my altar. The names are blessed and smudged each day with copal or sage, with prayers for you and all you pray for. Then they are released in a private fire ceremony at the next Equinox or Solstice.
Let me know via email or voice mail if you'd like to be included. Request only your own name, please.