Trainings, Workshops, Ceremonies - 2024
Scroll down for descriptions of all workshops.
Journey Circles will be at the regularly scheduled times, third Sunday of the month. 10:00-Noon, MT. Some Journey Circles are a hybrid of both in-person and Zoom. Attendees have a range of shamanic skill level, and Basic Shamanic Journeying skills are required to attend.
Fee: $30.
Private Sessions - are offered via phone, Zoom, or email. Please see contact page for more details re all fees and sliding scale.
Long distance Shamanic Healing Journeys and basic, remote Divination Journeys are always free.
Journey Theater: (One day workshop, several options)
in Boulder - 10am-6pm -
Also offering ZOOM Journey Theater on request:
This is a new offering for those eager to go deeper into a powerful and unique workshop experience while safer at home.
The title of the film will be given a day before the first gathering. We'll meet via zoom for the morning session, where themes, guided meditation and direction will be given. You'll view the film between the first and second sessions. We re-zoom in the afternoon, where the profound process takes place. Each person will get to process the themes that were most profound, meaningful and evocative for them, as gleaned from the the film and guided meditation.
Please see below for general details of the Journey Theater workshops.
No Zoom JT's scheduled at this time.
Saturday, August 3
Saturday, October 19th
Introduction to Shamanism:
2024 TBA
Private instruction in Classic Shamanism for individuals/groups also available.
Beginning Shamanic Journeying
February 3rd-4th
April 6th-7th
September 7th-8th ~ In Mesa, Arizona
Healing with Spiritual Light
2024 dates TBA
Medicine For the Earth
September 20-22, 2024
Shamanic Extraction
2024 dates TBA
The Beauty Way (3 Day Retreat)
2024 TBA
Soul Retrieval (in 5 consecutive days or 2 weekends)
Julay 2024 FULL
Death, Dying and Beyond
2024 dates TBA
Energetic Cord Cutting
2024 dats TBA (Scroll down to view flyer)
See below for all class descriptions and details.
Seasonal Ceremonies:
Spring Equinox Ceremony
Saturday March 23rd, 2024 at 10:30am
Summer Solstice Celebration
Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 at 10:30am
Autumnal Equinox Ceremony
Saturday, September 21st, 2024 at 1:00pm
Winter Solstice Celebration
Friday, December 20th, 2024 at 6:30pm
These include Sacred Pipe Ceremony
Suggested offering: $30.
* If prohibitive, any offering in Sacred Reciprocity is gratefully accepted. Children under 16, Elders over 65, and anyone of Native descent are welcome with no donation.
All cash offerings directly support BJ’s service to the Native American Talking Circle at the Denver Women’s prison(DWCF), where she volunteers weekly. BJ is deeply devoted to being in service and is a strong advocate for the Native incarcerated women.
Such gifts to them include:
- Native American foods on feast days
- Treats at Equinoxes (e.g. Tanka bars, chocolates, juice, plantain chips...) twice a year
- Paper and ink for handouts on a weekly basis
- Folders, DVD's, books
- Sage, sweet grass, osha bear root and other plant medicines
- Scared smoking blend for Ceremonies
- Medicine bags
- Contribution for special guests presentations during Native American Heritage Month
- Other donations purchased from Native venders at Denver March Powwow, or Indian Market, or Native owned sites.
Bring something to place on the altar during the ceremony. Space fills up more quickly for the Solstices.
Please reserve your spot well in advance.
Welcome letter with more details and location given upon registration. 48 hour cancellation requested.
Introduction to Shamanism
Shamanism is an ancient, sacred methodology that is deeply rooted in most cultures around the world. Learning basic skills in Shamanic healing and divination can increase a sense of health, well being, clarity and wholeness. Such methods will be taught in this workshop to aid participants in their interior explorations of Self and Soul, and enhance their own spiritual autonomy and empowerment. I would be honored to be your shamanic teacher.
Class highlights include:
~ Learn basic shamanic journeying to enter into a Shamanic state of consciousness by use of sonic drive with drums and rattles
~ Meet helping and compassionate spirits and power animals in non-ordinary reality
~ Learn basic divination methods to ask for instruction and support from spirit helpers and power animals in
non-ordinary reality
~ Closing Ceremony
When: Intro class - 2024 TBA
Time: 9:30-12:30, Break, 1:30-4:30 (MT)
Cost for class: Sliding Scale Fee: $150.00 - $225.00 PayPal (friends/family) or check are gratefully accepted. Non-refundable deposit of $50.00
A Welcome letter will be e mailed upon registration. It will include what you need for the workshop, cancelation policy, and address of workshop location.
Beginning Shamanic Journeying
This two day training includes all of the above, incorporating a deeper, more extensive exploration of cross-cultural shamanic ways. It will also include training in:
~ Shamanic Journeying in non-ordinary states of consciousness
~ Instruction on long distance shamanic healing
~ Journeying to Upper, Lower and Middle worlds of non-ordinary reality
~ Power Animal Retrieval - instruction and practice
This training is a prerequisite for BJ's One Year Training in Shamanic Practices
and Sandra Ingerman's Two Year Teacher Training.
Saturday, April 6th, 2024 10:00-4:30
Sunday, April 7th 10:30-4:00
Cost: $250.00
Non-refundable deposit of $50.00 is due by 3/22/24
In Mesa, Arizona, September 2024
Saturday, September 7th 10:00-4:30
Sunday, September 8th 10:30-4:30
Cost: $250.00
Non-Refundable deposit due by August 24th to hold your spot.
Location provided upon registration.
Private Shamanic Sessions provided on a sliding scale basis.
Medicine for the Earth - September 20-22, 2024
The course is designed to deepen connection with the rhythms and teachings of Earth. Our own piece of Earth - body, mind, heart, soul - is inherently part of animism. Many tend to think of Nature as separate - 'out there.’ Yet, we are Nature.
Through profound practices and ceremonies, we’ll enhance our awareness, fine tune our senses and intuition, and transmute toxic thoughts that are affecting our own natural and environmental health and well being.
This class is based on the course and book, Medicine for the Earth, by Sandra Ingerman.
This class is a prerequisite for Sandra Ingerman's Two Year Teacher Training.
Class Highlights from a Shamanic Perspective:
~ Communicate with the elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water
~ Transform toxins within ourselves and our environments
~ Engage in safe, sacred ceremonies and creative expression
~ Saturday includes the Autumnal Equinox Ceremony
~ Learn about Transmutation and Transfiguration
~ Walk About - Consider our footprint and its impact
~ Opening and Closing Ceremonies
When: TBA
Cost: $295.00
Non-refundable deposit: $50.00 is due by 8/30/24 Balance due on 9/20/24. Early registration discount of $15 is paid in full by 8/30/24.
Convenient Boulder location is provided upon registration.
Included: art supplies, snacks, coffee, tea.
Bring: lunch, journal, eye covering, drum and rattle if you have them. Wear comfy clothing and good walking shoes.
Prerequisite Reading:
~ Medicine for the Earth by Sandra Ingerman
~ How to Heal Toxic Thoughts by Sandra Ingerman
Applicants need to have beginning level experience in classic Shamanic journeying. Private instruction in Shamanic journeying with BJ Brown is available.
Time: 10:00a.m.-6:00p.m.
Location: Boulder - details upon sign up.
Fee: $105 for first time participants.
$95 for repeat players.
Call 303.808.4006 to reserve your spot.
ZOOM Journey Theater Times:
10:00a.m. - 10:45a.m
1:00a.m - 6:00
Event Description:
In a day both restful and energizing, you will view a specially chosen, evocative film, allowing it to bring up the personal things your psyche is ready to reveal to you. The movies are framed with the magic of meditation, music, community, and deft facilitation by BJ Brown. This combination brings the power of the film to a new level, making of it a lucid dream ~ the psyche speaks and is heard. This is experience is unique among self-explorative ventures - it retains a lightness and pleasure in the day, even while deep soul work is being done together.
Talking Circle TBA
Talking Circle ~ An offering for our community
There is no fee for this circle. Contact BJ to reserve your spot. Location provided at that time.
Talking Circle creates a safe harbor for our own and each other’s courage, vulnerability, concerns and yearnings. We’ll witness, hold space, weep, laugh, seethe, express. As in Native American teachings, the Talking Circle can be a cleansing and profound, even replenishing experience.
The Talking Circle will be conducted in a traditional way. A talking piece is passed, giving each person the opportunity to speak from the heart. There is no cross talk nor discussion. Compassionate presence, a willingness to listen deeply and to be heard is all that is needed. We are in unpredictable, unprecedented times. Many are experiencing ecological grief, deep bewilderment, anger, confusion...and some are deeply hopeful.
The circle is here for you - a vessel for what wants rise and be expressed.
Healing with Spiritual Light 2023 dates TBA
A Shamanic perspective on the rippling benefits of healing through your empowered intentions and radiant light, this workshop uniquely enhances your connection to self, Earth, your spirit helpers, and your own essence.
No prerequisite.
Cost/Times: $260.00
Friday, 6:30-8:30, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 10-4.
Non-refundable deposit of $50.00
Please bring your journal, drums and rattles if you have them. Rattles available to borrow.
Welcome letter with details available upon registration.
Please call or e mail BJ Brown to register ~
303-808-4006 ~ [email protected]
Soul Retrieval 2024 dates TBA
This training is also folded into the One Year Apprenticeship
It is understood in Shamanic cultures that soul loss can occur in different ways, as a result of chronic misfortune or trauma. Various types of trauma, such as the loss of a beloved, accident, chronic illness, history of abuse, toxic/abusive relationships, addictions, etc. can be situations that cause a part of our essence, soul, to "leave." In some situations a soul part or essence is "stolen," or "given away," which creates a fragmentation and a feeling of being lost, not whole.
The following explorations included in this training:
~ Identifying soul loss and how it occurs (diagnosis)
~ Examining different kinds of soul loss (soul stealing, given away, abrupt/spontaneous soul loss).
~ Preliminary Journeys regarding the Soul Retrieval ceremony and connecting with the Spirit Helper who does retrieves the Soul part
~ Learning the ceremony (method) of Soul Retrieval
~ Exploring soul loss and retrieval of injured body parts
~ Interpreting the Healing Stories
~ Aftercare - Integrating the Soul/essence parts that have been returned. Welcoming Home to the whole Self.
This training is appropriate for students who have good experience and skill with Shamanic Journeying. It is a prerequisite for Sandra Ingerman's Two Year Teacher Training.
Prerequisite: Beginning Shamanic Journeying.
When: The class must take place over two weekends. For example:
Friday, Feb. 12th, 6:30pm-9:00pm
Saturday, Feb. 13th, 4:30pm-9:00pm
Sunday, Feb. 14thth, 10:00am-5pm
Friday, Feb. 19th, 6:30pm-9:00pm
Saturday, Feb. 20th, 10:00am-5pm
Sunday, Feb. 21st, 10:00am-5:00pm
Where: Convenient Boulder location
Cost: $500.00
Non-Refundable deposit of $200 due by May 10, 2020. Balance due June 5th.
Early Registration is $475 if paid in full by May 15th.
Fees are payable by cash, money order, check or PayPal.
Welcome letter with further details, cancellation policy and location provided at time of registration.
Death, Dying and Beyond -
This training is also folded into the One Year Apprenticeship
This advanced Shamanic training explores death, dying and beyond from a shamanic perspective. The training for those wanting to learn more about this ultimate transformation, whether for ones own, self inquiry, or to assist others in their dying time. It includes Psychopomp - assisting souls to transcend. Through shamanic journeying and teachings, we'll explore the soul's transcendence, death, and the destiny of souls beyond death.
Prerequisite: Beginning Shamanic Journeying.
When: Friday, 6:30-8:30pm(MT)
Saturday, 10:30am-5:00pm
Sunday, 10:30am-5:00pm
Where: Convenient Boulder Location
Cost: $250.00 Non-refundable deposit of $50 due by 10/13/23
Lodging available for participants outside the Denver/Boulder area. Ask BJ for more information.
Energetic Cord Cutting
On special request, I’m offering a new class on an ancient healing practice - Energetic Cord Cutting.
This particular method of cord work which I learned over 30 years ago, is the most profound of its kind in my personal and professional experience. I’ve come to understand this work more deeply over time, and have adapted it to help individuals truly get at the root of unhealthy choices in relationship to Self, others, and life. The healing is more integrative and profound when one is an active participant in their healing, and when they’re consciously aware of their false beliefs - the taproot of recapitulating patterns and entanglements.
Good candidates for this class are:
- those who want a personal experience of clearing false beliefs and cutting the corresponding cords
- those currently involved in a program, training/school, in the healing arts
- Those who are already practitioners (i.e. Shamanic practitioner, Psychotherapist, Somatic Therapist, etc.) and want to learn how to incorporate this into your practice
In-house lodging is available pending interview.
This class is offered as a hybrid of in-person and Zoom.
** This method should not be used in lieu of, nor is it meant to replace psychotherapeutic or psychiatric support, or allopathic medicine.
When: 10:00-5:00MT (2024 TBA)
Cost: $325.00. This includes one private session during the months of September and October to help you refine the false belief statements.If more than one hour is needed or desired, regular session rates will be offered at a discount.
Deposit and Discount: A $50 non-refundable deposit is due on 10/1. A discount of $25.00 if paid in full by 10/15.
See flyer below for more details.
Journey Circle
For those interested in an ongoing shamanic journey circle, this facilitated group meets every third Sunday of the month from 10:00am-Noon. Members are notified by BJ of any changes due to quarterly ceremonies, Holiday, illness, etc. Knowledge and experience in basic shamanic journeying skills is required to participate. Our circle provides long distance healing and divination work for family, friends, and community members who have specifically requested our support. Fee: $30.00.
Scroll down for descriptions of all workshops.
Journey Circles will be at the regularly scheduled times, third Sunday of the month. 10:00-Noon, MT. Some Journey Circles are a hybrid of both in-person and Zoom. Attendees have a range of shamanic skill level, and Basic Shamanic Journeying skills are required to attend.
Fee: $30.
Private Sessions - are offered via phone, Zoom, or email. Please see contact page for more details re all fees and sliding scale.
Long distance Shamanic Healing Journeys and basic, remote Divination Journeys are always free.
Journey Theater: (One day workshop, several options)
in Boulder - 10am-6pm -
Also offering ZOOM Journey Theater on request:
This is a new offering for those eager to go deeper into a powerful and unique workshop experience while safer at home.
The title of the film will be given a day before the first gathering. We'll meet via zoom for the morning session, where themes, guided meditation and direction will be given. You'll view the film between the first and second sessions. We re-zoom in the afternoon, where the profound process takes place. Each person will get to process the themes that were most profound, meaningful and evocative for them, as gleaned from the the film and guided meditation.
Please see below for general details of the Journey Theater workshops.
No Zoom JT's scheduled at this time.
Saturday, August 3
Saturday, October 19th
Introduction to Shamanism:
2024 TBA
Private instruction in Classic Shamanism for individuals/groups also available.
Beginning Shamanic Journeying
February 3rd-4th
April 6th-7th
September 7th-8th ~ In Mesa, Arizona
Healing with Spiritual Light
2024 dates TBA
Medicine For the Earth
September 20-22, 2024
Shamanic Extraction
2024 dates TBA
The Beauty Way (3 Day Retreat)
2024 TBA
Soul Retrieval (in 5 consecutive days or 2 weekends)
Julay 2024 FULL
Death, Dying and Beyond
2024 dates TBA
Energetic Cord Cutting
2024 dats TBA (Scroll down to view flyer)
See below for all class descriptions and details.
Seasonal Ceremonies:
Spring Equinox Ceremony
Saturday March 23rd, 2024 at 10:30am
Summer Solstice Celebration
Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 at 10:30am
Autumnal Equinox Ceremony
Saturday, September 21st, 2024 at 1:00pm
Winter Solstice Celebration
Friday, December 20th, 2024 at 6:30pm
These include Sacred Pipe Ceremony
Suggested offering: $30.
* If prohibitive, any offering in Sacred Reciprocity is gratefully accepted. Children under 16, Elders over 65, and anyone of Native descent are welcome with no donation.
All cash offerings directly support BJ’s service to the Native American Talking Circle at the Denver Women’s prison(DWCF), where she volunteers weekly. BJ is deeply devoted to being in service and is a strong advocate for the Native incarcerated women.
Such gifts to them include:
- Native American foods on feast days
- Treats at Equinoxes (e.g. Tanka bars, chocolates, juice, plantain chips...) twice a year
- Paper and ink for handouts on a weekly basis
- Folders, DVD's, books
- Sage, sweet grass, osha bear root and other plant medicines
- Scared smoking blend for Ceremonies
- Medicine bags
- Contribution for special guests presentations during Native American Heritage Month
- Other donations purchased from Native venders at Denver March Powwow, or Indian Market, or Native owned sites.
Bring something to place on the altar during the ceremony. Space fills up more quickly for the Solstices.
Please reserve your spot well in advance.
Welcome letter with more details and location given upon registration. 48 hour cancellation requested.
Introduction to Shamanism
Shamanism is an ancient, sacred methodology that is deeply rooted in most cultures around the world. Learning basic skills in Shamanic healing and divination can increase a sense of health, well being, clarity and wholeness. Such methods will be taught in this workshop to aid participants in their interior explorations of Self and Soul, and enhance their own spiritual autonomy and empowerment. I would be honored to be your shamanic teacher.
Class highlights include:
~ Learn basic shamanic journeying to enter into a Shamanic state of consciousness by use of sonic drive with drums and rattles
~ Meet helping and compassionate spirits and power animals in non-ordinary reality
~ Learn basic divination methods to ask for instruction and support from spirit helpers and power animals in
non-ordinary reality
~ Closing Ceremony
When: Intro class - 2024 TBA
Time: 9:30-12:30, Break, 1:30-4:30 (MT)
Cost for class: Sliding Scale Fee: $150.00 - $225.00 PayPal (friends/family) or check are gratefully accepted. Non-refundable deposit of $50.00
A Welcome letter will be e mailed upon registration. It will include what you need for the workshop, cancelation policy, and address of workshop location.
Beginning Shamanic Journeying
This two day training includes all of the above, incorporating a deeper, more extensive exploration of cross-cultural shamanic ways. It will also include training in:
~ Shamanic Journeying in non-ordinary states of consciousness
~ Instruction on long distance shamanic healing
~ Journeying to Upper, Lower and Middle worlds of non-ordinary reality
~ Power Animal Retrieval - instruction and practice
This training is a prerequisite for BJ's One Year Training in Shamanic Practices
and Sandra Ingerman's Two Year Teacher Training.
Saturday, April 6th, 2024 10:00-4:30
Sunday, April 7th 10:30-4:00
Cost: $250.00
Non-refundable deposit of $50.00 is due by 3/22/24
In Mesa, Arizona, September 2024
Saturday, September 7th 10:00-4:30
Sunday, September 8th 10:30-4:30
Cost: $250.00
Non-Refundable deposit due by August 24th to hold your spot.
Location provided upon registration.
Private Shamanic Sessions provided on a sliding scale basis.
Medicine for the Earth - September 20-22, 2024
The course is designed to deepen connection with the rhythms and teachings of Earth. Our own piece of Earth - body, mind, heart, soul - is inherently part of animism. Many tend to think of Nature as separate - 'out there.’ Yet, we are Nature.
Through profound practices and ceremonies, we’ll enhance our awareness, fine tune our senses and intuition, and transmute toxic thoughts that are affecting our own natural and environmental health and well being.
This class is based on the course and book, Medicine for the Earth, by Sandra Ingerman.
This class is a prerequisite for Sandra Ingerman's Two Year Teacher Training.
Class Highlights from a Shamanic Perspective:
~ Communicate with the elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water
~ Transform toxins within ourselves and our environments
~ Engage in safe, sacred ceremonies and creative expression
~ Saturday includes the Autumnal Equinox Ceremony
~ Learn about Transmutation and Transfiguration
~ Walk About - Consider our footprint and its impact
~ Opening and Closing Ceremonies
When: TBA
Cost: $295.00
Non-refundable deposit: $50.00 is due by 8/30/24 Balance due on 9/20/24. Early registration discount of $15 is paid in full by 8/30/24.
Convenient Boulder location is provided upon registration.
Included: art supplies, snacks, coffee, tea.
Bring: lunch, journal, eye covering, drum and rattle if you have them. Wear comfy clothing and good walking shoes.
Prerequisite Reading:
~ Medicine for the Earth by Sandra Ingerman
~ How to Heal Toxic Thoughts by Sandra Ingerman
Applicants need to have beginning level experience in classic Shamanic journeying. Private instruction in Shamanic journeying with BJ Brown is available.
Time: 10:00a.m.-6:00p.m.
Location: Boulder - details upon sign up.
Fee: $105 for first time participants.
$95 for repeat players.
Call 303.808.4006 to reserve your spot.
ZOOM Journey Theater Times:
10:00a.m. - 10:45a.m
1:00a.m - 6:00
Event Description:
In a day both restful and energizing, you will view a specially chosen, evocative film, allowing it to bring up the personal things your psyche is ready to reveal to you. The movies are framed with the magic of meditation, music, community, and deft facilitation by BJ Brown. This combination brings the power of the film to a new level, making of it a lucid dream ~ the psyche speaks and is heard. This is experience is unique among self-explorative ventures - it retains a lightness and pleasure in the day, even while deep soul work is being done together.
Talking Circle TBA
Talking Circle ~ An offering for our community
There is no fee for this circle. Contact BJ to reserve your spot. Location provided at that time.
Talking Circle creates a safe harbor for our own and each other’s courage, vulnerability, concerns and yearnings. We’ll witness, hold space, weep, laugh, seethe, express. As in Native American teachings, the Talking Circle can be a cleansing and profound, even replenishing experience.
The Talking Circle will be conducted in a traditional way. A talking piece is passed, giving each person the opportunity to speak from the heart. There is no cross talk nor discussion. Compassionate presence, a willingness to listen deeply and to be heard is all that is needed. We are in unpredictable, unprecedented times. Many are experiencing ecological grief, deep bewilderment, anger, confusion...and some are deeply hopeful.
The circle is here for you - a vessel for what wants rise and be expressed.
Healing with Spiritual Light 2023 dates TBA
A Shamanic perspective on the rippling benefits of healing through your empowered intentions and radiant light, this workshop uniquely enhances your connection to self, Earth, your spirit helpers, and your own essence.
No prerequisite.
Cost/Times: $260.00
Friday, 6:30-8:30, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 10-4.
Non-refundable deposit of $50.00
Please bring your journal, drums and rattles if you have them. Rattles available to borrow.
Welcome letter with details available upon registration.
Please call or e mail BJ Brown to register ~
303-808-4006 ~ [email protected]
Soul Retrieval 2024 dates TBA
This training is also folded into the One Year Apprenticeship
It is understood in Shamanic cultures that soul loss can occur in different ways, as a result of chronic misfortune or trauma. Various types of trauma, such as the loss of a beloved, accident, chronic illness, history of abuse, toxic/abusive relationships, addictions, etc. can be situations that cause a part of our essence, soul, to "leave." In some situations a soul part or essence is "stolen," or "given away," which creates a fragmentation and a feeling of being lost, not whole.
The following explorations included in this training:
~ Identifying soul loss and how it occurs (diagnosis)
~ Examining different kinds of soul loss (soul stealing, given away, abrupt/spontaneous soul loss).
~ Preliminary Journeys regarding the Soul Retrieval ceremony and connecting with the Spirit Helper who does retrieves the Soul part
~ Learning the ceremony (method) of Soul Retrieval
~ Exploring soul loss and retrieval of injured body parts
~ Interpreting the Healing Stories
~ Aftercare - Integrating the Soul/essence parts that have been returned. Welcoming Home to the whole Self.
This training is appropriate for students who have good experience and skill with Shamanic Journeying. It is a prerequisite for Sandra Ingerman's Two Year Teacher Training.
Prerequisite: Beginning Shamanic Journeying.
When: The class must take place over two weekends. For example:
Friday, Feb. 12th, 6:30pm-9:00pm
Saturday, Feb. 13th, 4:30pm-9:00pm
Sunday, Feb. 14thth, 10:00am-5pm
Friday, Feb. 19th, 6:30pm-9:00pm
Saturday, Feb. 20th, 10:00am-5pm
Sunday, Feb. 21st, 10:00am-5:00pm
Where: Convenient Boulder location
Cost: $500.00
Non-Refundable deposit of $200 due by May 10, 2020. Balance due June 5th.
Early Registration is $475 if paid in full by May 15th.
Fees are payable by cash, money order, check or PayPal.
Welcome letter with further details, cancellation policy and location provided at time of registration.
Death, Dying and Beyond -
This training is also folded into the One Year Apprenticeship
This advanced Shamanic training explores death, dying and beyond from a shamanic perspective. The training for those wanting to learn more about this ultimate transformation, whether for ones own, self inquiry, or to assist others in their dying time. It includes Psychopomp - assisting souls to transcend. Through shamanic journeying and teachings, we'll explore the soul's transcendence, death, and the destiny of souls beyond death.
Prerequisite: Beginning Shamanic Journeying.
When: Friday, 6:30-8:30pm(MT)
Saturday, 10:30am-5:00pm
Sunday, 10:30am-5:00pm
Where: Convenient Boulder Location
Cost: $250.00 Non-refundable deposit of $50 due by 10/13/23
Lodging available for participants outside the Denver/Boulder area. Ask BJ for more information.
Energetic Cord Cutting
On special request, I’m offering a new class on an ancient healing practice - Energetic Cord Cutting.
This particular method of cord work which I learned over 30 years ago, is the most profound of its kind in my personal and professional experience. I’ve come to understand this work more deeply over time, and have adapted it to help individuals truly get at the root of unhealthy choices in relationship to Self, others, and life. The healing is more integrative and profound when one is an active participant in their healing, and when they’re consciously aware of their false beliefs - the taproot of recapitulating patterns and entanglements.
Good candidates for this class are:
- those who want a personal experience of clearing false beliefs and cutting the corresponding cords
- those currently involved in a program, training/school, in the healing arts
- Those who are already practitioners (i.e. Shamanic practitioner, Psychotherapist, Somatic Therapist, etc.) and want to learn how to incorporate this into your practice
In-house lodging is available pending interview.
This class is offered as a hybrid of in-person and Zoom.
** This method should not be used in lieu of, nor is it meant to replace psychotherapeutic or psychiatric support, or allopathic medicine.
When: 10:00-5:00MT (2024 TBA)
Cost: $325.00. This includes one private session during the months of September and October to help you refine the false belief statements.If more than one hour is needed or desired, regular session rates will be offered at a discount.
Deposit and Discount: A $50 non-refundable deposit is due on 10/1. A discount of $25.00 if paid in full by 10/15.
See flyer below for more details.
Journey Circle
For those interested in an ongoing shamanic journey circle, this facilitated group meets every third Sunday of the month from 10:00am-Noon. Members are notified by BJ of any changes due to quarterly ceremonies, Holiday, illness, etc. Knowledge and experience in basic shamanic journeying skills is required to participate. Our circle provides long distance healing and divination work for family, friends, and community members who have specifically requested our support. Fee: $30.00.
Intentional Touch -
Taught by
Maestra Paula Leeper, LMT
This class is full.
I am having an Intentional Touch Class in Boulder, Colorado on January 21/22, 2023.
We will be hosted by BJ Brown in her home office. It is a two-day, hands-on class. From 9 am to 4pm each day.
Teaching this class brings me so much joy. The Soul and the Body as the lens of what's happening in our Spirit. Creator gave me a vision and this is what I do on the planet.
The healing arts have many layers and many ways to approach the spirit. This is just one way. The body and soul connection.
Here is the link to sign up.
Intentional Touch Boulder Follow the CLASS button.
Please share this with your Colorado healing arts friends. We have a limited amount of space. There is a $100 non-refundable deposit at sign-up, the remainder is due at the beginning of class.
Please use the scheduler to make your deposit.
Please reach out if you have questions. I love talking about the work I do.
Ancient Healing Arts LLC
Also, if you want to bring this course to your area, let me know. 2023 is being scheduled now.
I also have a few offerings of live sessions on ZOOM. Let me know if you are interested in participating.
In much Gratitude,
Maestra Paula Leeper, IG La_Guera_Curandera
Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe) Coming to Boulder, CO
November 8th, 2019
Doors open at 6:30pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder (UUCB)
5001 Pennsylvania, Boulder 80303
This is an extraordinary opportunity to see and hear Woman Stands Shining.
Please scroll down to view flyer with her bio and details of the event.
You're welcome to contact BJ for more information or to receive for yourself or to pass along to others.